Thursday, May 5, 2016

Same Coin, But Different Currency: Which Side is Right? Captain America or Iron Man

Same Coin, But Different Currency: Which Side is Right? Captain America or Iron Man

Hello SOM
Welcome to our newest post in the Opinion Editorial: Disney! Today we are going to discuss which side is correct when it comes to Captain America and Iron Man. Since this page and blog is about Disney and since Marvel is now part of Disney, we are excited to dwell into these topics!Hello 
We all know that Captain America: Civil War is releasing in a few hours, many of us are excited to see what the movie will bring us! 2016 is a big year; it is a year of decisions and elections! No we are not talking about those cookie politicians running for president, and nor will we dwell on this subject! The topic right now is Captain America and Iron Man! Everyone must decide and pick a side! Hopefully most of you have picked a side by now and we hope you picked the side for the right reasons and not because that hero is your favorite hero. If you are an avid comic book reader and followed the Marvel’s Civil War comic book arc, then you can kind of guess which side to pick! In the MCU (Marvel Cinematic Universe) however, they do not follow the comic book arcs 100%. So we are here to discuss and debate on which superhero is correct and hopefully help you decide which side to pick!

Source: Gabriel Ramos
This is Gabriel here, and I am surprisingly deciding to side with Iron Man. Captain America is my favorite hero along with Spider-man and Ant-man, but I am siding with Tony Stark. He makes a valid point and it has been proven to be right throughout the whole MCU. Iron Man believes that superheroes should allow the government, especially the UN, to oversee the superheroes, especially the Avengers. This should really be no issue because the Avengers were created by S.H.I.E.L.D a government branch of the United States. Technically speaking, the Avengers, prior to their collapse, S.H.I.E.L.D was monitoring and controlling The Avengers. Nick Fury founded and created The Avengers Initiative and oversaw them. The UN can easily oversee The Avengers and help with world crisis. This can wipe the blame off of Steve Rogers and his Avengers and hold the UN responsible for clean-up and collateral damage, whereas if The Avengers went rogue, then their actions will be held accountable.
Secondly, there are laws in many countries that are against vigilantes. General Ross tells Captain America that although he is a hero many people consider him a vigilante and to fair, yes to a certain degree The Avengers are vigilantes, they take justice upon their hands! There needs to be a government entity behind The Avengers so there can be accountability and security. In the aftermath of the battle of Manhattan when New York was being attacked by aliens and Loki, Thor captured the Tesseract and Loki and did not allow the war criminal to answer for his crimes here on Earth. Due to all these events, kingpins have risen, especially in Hell’s Kitchen and caused chaos and corruption. All these activities also created The Devil of Hell’s Kitchen known as Daredevil, The Punisher, Carmen Electra, Jessica Jones, and Luke Cage to take action upon themselves and disregard the law. They have become street heroes and will result in more collateral damage. Tony Stark makes valid points and in the film, the actual Sokovia Accords is finalized the first 20 minutes into the film because of what happens within the first 15 minutes! We have seen so much destruction! Los Angeles, Hollywood, Malibu, Harlem, Manhattan, Monaco, New York’s World Fair, Puente Antiguo, Stuttgart, London, San Francisco, Sokovia, Korea, D.C, these all have been cities with damage due to superhero activity.
Lastly, Tony Stark also makes an argument that Superheroes, especially The Avengers, need to be placed in check. Sure superheroes have helped with Sokovia, Manhattan, and many more cities, but these issues were caused by superheroes in the first place. In Los Angeles, The Iron Monger was released because of Iron Man. In Monaco, Whiplash attacked and caused collateral damage to the grand prix because of a grudge he had with Tony Stark and was able to obtain the Arc Reactor. The Hulk and General Ross were involved in creation of Abomination which caused chaos in Harlem. Thor was vanished to earth and landed in Puente Antiguo, and Loki sent the destroyer and caused utter destruction to the small town. This pushed S.H.I.E.L.D to create phase 2 weapons powered by the Infinity Stone known as The Tesseract. Thor and Asgardians also left the Tesseract on Earth where Red Skull, founder of H.Y.D.R.A: the Nazi rogue science division, was able to obtain it and create H.Y.D.R.A weapons. S.H.I.E.L.D allowed ex H.Y.D.R.A and German scientists to work for S.H.I.E.L.D which led H.Y.D.R.A to grow under S.H.I.E.L.D’s eyes and almost destroy the whole world with Zola’s algorithm and caused the chaos in D.C. and the compromise of S.H.I.E.L.D and government secrets being leaked over the world. President Mathew Ellis was kidnapped by A.I.M. and it was due to Iron Man’s fault. In the events that occurred in Korea, Sokovia, and Wakanda, in regards to Ultron, were all the fault of Iron Man. S.H.I.E.L.D. is also responsible for being involved in the Cold War with Russia and allowing the Ant Man to be unleashed by Hank Pym. Years later Daren Cross almost unleashed super suits where the wearer of the suit can shrink to the size of an insect and can become unstoppable; which led Hank Pym to allow Scott Lang, an ex-criminal, to use the suit to stop Cross and caused damage to PYM Tech building and neighborhoods in San Francisco!  The heroes were there to stop these threats but these same threats where created by the heroes as well! Tony Stark makes a great point and he has seen his mistakes and which is why he speaks about this matter.

Source: Humberto Gutierrez

Hello SOM,
My name is Humberto, and I am siding on Captain America’s side, not because he’s my favorite super hero, (Spider-Man second), but because for what he stands for. As you just read, my adversary made a lot of fair points for Iron Man. However, are we really going to choose a side where a man, like Iron Man; a man who was making weapons of mass destruction.  Yes he closed his company because he found out that his own company was selling weapons in the black market, but has he really changed? He might not be designing bombs and weapons anymore; but he is making the world more dangerous. How you may ask? Do I need to remind you of Ultron? Tony is selfish, he’s always been selfish and that is a dangerous quality to have for a man; and because of that, a man can become easily blinded on what is the right thing to do.
 If you’re going to choose a side, pick Steve Rogers, Captain America is a man that started with nothing; He started from humble beginnings. Unlike tony, who’s had everything; from the fame, the money, and the opportunities. Steve Rogers had to fight to defend himself and others; Even if that meant losing. He knows what’s right and wrong. He was a big conflict when he found out about H.Y.D.R.A and S.H.I.E.L.D. He stood up to Nick Fury when he introduced Project Insight. Captain America advised Nick Fury that Project Insight was a terrible idea and can be susceptible to corruption. He told him “I thought punishment came after the crime”. Captain America stands for what is fair and right. What can Captain America do when Tony Stark introduces the Sokovia Accords? Surrender his right to choose or fight for what’s right? Captain America has always been a hero that looks out for the underdog because he was the underdog and he knows how it feels like to be at the bottom where no one acknowledges you. “I know we are not perfect, but the safest hands are still our own”- Captain America.
He knows they made mistakes, however if he surrenders his rights, he will be giving up the right to choose. I am not saying that the UN is bad, but corruption will never seize to end in a world with power hungry people. Villains have no boundaries and they will attack anything and destroy anything to achieve what they desire. If Captain America surrenders his right to act above the government, then all hope is gone. What if there is a place where the heroes have to go to stop a threat but the government won’t allow it? Most of the time the government acts and thinks for themselves and their interests. Captain America believes that all heroes need to be above the government in order to save anyone in the world. No politician should be involved in their decision on who to help. Heroes help those in need because it is the right thing to do so. Most of them serve that purpose like Thor. He belongs from Asgard and Earth is his responsibility. The government does not control Thor and Thor does not respond to our government. When you give that power to the government, they control the heroes and will decide who the villains are and where to go. The government can use the heroes for personal gain like fighting their wars. Those are my points on why I believe Captain America is correct and will come out triumphant.

There you have it folks! Iron Man and Captain America are both sides of the same coin but with different currency. Which side are you on? You can see Captain America, Iron Man, Hawkeye, Black Widow, Scarlet Witch, Winter Soldier, Falcon, Spider-Man, Black Panther, War Machine, Vision, Cross Bones, Ant Man, Baron Zemo, Agent 13 and many more characters in Marvel’s newest film, Captain America: Civil War

 Captain America: Civil War is coming out May 6th! BUY YOUR TICKETS NOW!
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