Sunday, May 29, 2016

Frozen Live at the Hyperion has arrived at the Disneyland Resort (Review)

Frozen Live at the Hyperion has arrived at the Disneyland Resort (Review)

    As of Friday May 27th, 2016, Frozen Live at The Hyperion has began showing and entertaining guests. After Aladdin the Musical Spectacular had its final curtain call, it was announced that Frozen was going to take the mantle and try to create a new and exciting spectacular for guest.

     Disney did try sometime new but it was far from spectacular. Frozen Live at the Hyperion is a visually beautiful show, but that is it. It lacks everywhere else and does not make the hype or wait for this show worth it. It lacks everywhere except the visuals, and even then at first it seems like a visual overload. The show uses very little set designs and relies heavily on screens. It seems that they had a very high budget, I mean come on it's Disney, but they wasted it all on their high tech screens. This has Shanghai written all over it. (I will not discuss this yet!) This is the overall review and feeling I got for this. I will go into specifics right below.

   The story for the musical was overall good, they tried their best to compress 90 minutes of film into 50 minutes. Even the director admitted in videos that this was going to be a challenge for them. The story flows kinda good, but it needed the appearance of Marshmallow and the scene where the Duke and Hans goes after Elsa. They did very well in the intro scene with the Frozen Heart scene, and expanded more on the funeral. Overall the story was great.

  The costumes were horrible! Like I mentioned earlier, it seemed that they spent all their money on the screens and went cheap on the costumes. Toys R Us sells better costumes for little girls than what Disney dished out in the musical. Elsa looked like she had a hunchback from where I was from. Their costumes looked huge and tacky. The wigs were the worst part of it all. Kristoff's and Anna's wig were the winners of the worst wig contest. I have seen better cosplays of Anna and Elsa. Disney got a strike there. The trolls, especially grand papi, were creepy looking and could of done a better job.

  The acting, well what can I say? It was decent, mediocre at best. The duke and Anna seemed that they overreacted at some parts. The cast tried to hard at times also. The dialogue seemed forced and the cast also did not have enough chemistry. Many people said that it was their first day and within a month they should get better. I surely do hope so, for their sake! If not, I do not see this lasting very long. They had months to rehearse and create chemistry, I am hoping it was just nerves and jitterbugs the cast had.

   The puppets were actually quite impressive! Sven and Olaf were great and loved their scenes except for one thing. The cast member playing Olaf seemed to have failed to do a great job in ventriloquy. In his first scene, he came out took front and center stage with Anna while Kristoff and Sven were behind them. When Olaf talked to Kristoff, Olaf failed to make eye contact with him. Olaf kept looking stage left instead of behind him.

The choreography was mediocre, the only highlight was the choreography for the sequence For the First Time in Forever. It was different from the film and I enjoyed it!

  The effects, well that was the only thing that saved the show! That scene where Anna and Kristoff are escaping the wolves was priceless! I loved that scene and the wolves looked very realistic! They did a better job with the wolves versus Anna and Elsa. The way they portrayed Elsa's powers was done excellent. This was a blessing and a curse! Without the effects, the show would of been horrible, but it is a curse because it relies too much on those screens! That looses the feel of Broadway and looks like another Frozen Sing Along!

Source: Tumblr

Compared to Aladdin, this was mediocre and only worth seeing once! Aladdin was outdated and yet seems so far more superior than Frozen. Aladdin did a great job with everything they did, even though it did have its' own flaws.

Frozen Live at the Hyperion deserves TWO out of FIVE stars! One star for effects, half star for story, half star for the puppets and choreography.

This is Gabriel from SOM

Have a magical day!

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