Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Disney Bounding: By Ashley Manjarrez


Source: Ashley Manjarrez
Hello everyone, my name is Ashley Manjarrez and I will be talking about all things Disney bounding! I started Disney Bounding my senior year of high school. Every day I dressed as a different character; my friends and teachers loved guessing who I was and looked forward to it every day. I even did a Disney bound for my prom! For those who don’t know what Disney Bounding is, it is when your outfit is based on or inspired by a Disney character, ride, or place in the park.

Source: Ashley Manjarrez

Step 1: Choose your theme. I tend to dress as different characters and not so much as rides or places. Some of my favorites are Flynn Rider, Faline from Bambi, Thumper, and the princesses. Once you have chosen your theme you can start working on your look!

Source: Ashley Manjarrez
Step 2: color scheme. Each character has their own unique look. What makes them different is the colors they wear. For instance, when Tarzan wears his dad’s suit, the colors are a dark blue jacket and pants with a burgundy button up, where as Roxanne wears a blue/green top with jean shorts and white shoes, Find the right color pattern to set your look. Some characters are easier to distinguish than other such as mickey, pooh, or peter pan. This will help you find the right pieces and you won’t need to break your wallet. Most of these outfits can be put together with ease. All is takes are the right colors and you are good to go! For Girls, places to shop at are Target G-Stage, Forever 21, Walmart, Kohl's and H&M. For men, Target, Kohl’s, H&M men and Forever 21 men.

Source: Disney
Step 3: Accessories. Sometimes adding a hat, necklace, or scarf can pull the whole outfit together. Finding those key elements to a character can go a long way. With Peter Pan’s shadow, you don’t have much to work with because as a shadow the only colors you can use are grey and black, so the accessories will help tie it all together. I pair the outfit with a peter pan necklace and a bracelet that says “never grow up.” You can purchase many accessories from stores such as Forever 21, Hot topic, or Claire’s. They tend to have many deals such as buy one get one, or 50% off. They do not necessarily have to be “Disney” accessories, anything can work as long as you get creative. If you dress as bulls eye you might pair your nude outfit with cowboy style boots and horse necklace, maybe even a leather bag. Don’t be afraid to try something new or colors that are bright. If you wear a red feather earring with a green dress and brown boots you instantly become peter pan! Or maybe try grey pants and a grey shirt with a bright red scarf and now you’re Tramp from Lady and the Tramp!
Source: Ashely Manjarrez

Step 4: Hair. Sometimes, the way you style your hair can also help. For instance, if you were princess Anna maybe two braids or an updo. For Rapunzel, try down with a flower crown or clip. Guys have a limitation but if you’re bounding as Aladdin, his is puffy and full of volume, where as Prince Phillip is sharp and well kept. Many Disney men wear hats, or beanies so if you don’t have long enough hair to style then do not worry!, Try accessorizing with hats, scarves and bags instead!
Source: Ashely Manjarrez
Source: Ashley Manjarrez

Follow these four simple steps and you will be a pro in no time! Just remember to have fun and be creative! Also, don’t be afraid to wear bold colors or accessories; step out of your comfort zone and experience the ‘whole new world’ of Disney Bounding! Thank you and I hope you enjoy trying new things!

Source: Ashley Manjarrez

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