Wednesday, September 14, 2016


The following is important news regarding Simply One Mouse. Please read below:

From SOM,
Important Announcement!

     Hello Simply One Mouse members! First and foremost Simply One Mouse would like to go ahead and thank each and every member for spreading the magic around the parks. This page was founded with the sole purpose of random acts of kindness. Simply One Mouse is a place were family and friends are always welcome with open arms. We do not tolerate any kind of drama, disrespect towards other members; rude behavior, and/or vulgarity. All previous Simply One Mouse leaders have stepped down as of September 12th, 2016 with the exception of the original founder, Rafael Menendez.

    Rumors started erupting and stirring within social media. Simply One Mouse does NOT in ANY WAY ask ANY members to pick anything or ANYONE versus our page. We would like to please ask you, the members, to disregard these rumors and take a look around our page to see what we truly are about.

   For any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact the founder. Thank you all very much for your on going support!

"I just hope that we never lose sight of one thing; that it all started with a mouse."


Please see below for our UPDATED group/page guidelines:

These guidelines are placed in order to ensure our members have positive and magical experiences in the group. We are here for one thing: to follow Walt's vision of spreading Disney Magic.

1. Simply One Mouse is NOT a dating site. There are many Disney dating sites available on Facebook. Simply One Mouse is NOT one of them. For Netiquette (Network Etiquette), comfort, and consideration of others, please refrain from this activity. Many reports of individuals trying to use this site for dating purpose have arise; please RESPECT each and every member and avoid this type of behavior on this page. Failure to do so will result in REMOVAL from the page.

2. Posts in Simply One Mouse should be in reference to anything Disney! (Marvel/Pixar/ Star Wars included) Reminder: This is a family page. Any posts not related to Disney will be deleted.

3. Refrain from ADVERTISING, SELLING (This includes park merchandise, personal shoppers, hand made items (including but not limited to: EARS, PINS, HATS, BEADS, JEWELRY, AND MORE.) AND/OR SOLICITING OF ANY KIND (Soliciting includes but it not limited to: ASKING FOR GIFTS, DONATIONS, SERVICES, MONEY, SOLICITATION OF PAGES,GROUPS,SOCIAL CLUBS, ETC.) Please report any and all type of these activities to Simply One Mouse's Founder: Rafael Menendez for prompt action.

Once again, there is NO group, page, and/or social club soliciting on THIS PAGE without approval from Rafael Menendez.

4. Simply One Mouse is very appreciative for any voluntary donations for page giveaways! We are requesting if any donations are made to Simply One Mouse, please notify Rafael Menendez. Any donations will be logged in our Donation Inventory Log. This log lists all donations and donors, and it can be referred to as necessary!

5. Please remember this is a FAMILY page. Refrain from obscene, vulgar, and/or sexual language and/or postings of any kind. Any members participating in this type of behavior will be subject to removal from the page.

6. Please be advise that giveaways are purchased AND hosted by members. They will determine their rules for giving away items. These rules can be anything from checking in, taking a picture, participating in a in-park scavenger hunt, singing, quotes, trivia, etc.
Members who are hosting giveaways should be considerate of each and every guest and cast members throughout the park AND in the page. Simply One Mouse asks members to please take into consideration potential physical, verbal, and mental disabilities. We ask members to show compassion and need to REFRAIN from asking other members to participate in activities that may be unfair. These activities can be anything such as: jumping, clapping, dancing, and/or other physical activities. LASTLY we ask members to HAVE FUN and ENJOY the giveaways!

7. LASTLY please respect each and every one of the members in this page. We try to be a drama free group and we need to all pitch in and act like adults. We ask that you please respect one another and refrain from drama when posting on this page. We are all here to celebrate acts of kindness and to spread Disney magic as Walt would have wanted. We are all here because we have a fond and unique love for Disney. We are all a big family. Thank you!

*********Reminder please note any and all volunteered donations need to be given to Rafael Menendez. This is for inventory and distribution confirmation. Please if there is any questions about rules for giveaways please feel free to ask************

If there is any doubts, questions, comments, concerns, remarks, commentaries, issues, suggestions, and/or complaints. PLEASE feel free to contact Rafael Menendez...


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